Skinpal s77
- SKU: SC-1201-SSP
- Barcode (EAN): 5055406700059
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These are simple tools designed to make it easy to deal with blackheads. It is therefore important to learn how to use them correctly in removing these annoying blemishes called blackheads not only from ear canals but also on nose, neck or anywhere around face. - Learn more
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Complete blackheads & whiteheads extractors kit.
Ideal for use at home, spas or salons. Combines multiple implements to address all kinds of blackheads & whiteheads remover. Made with highest quality of surgical grade stainless steel for professional use.

- Hand crafted with high quality Surgical Stainless Steel.
- Includes one main body and eight implements that screw on to the main body to provide various combination.
- Knurled slender body for better grip.
- Suitable for both Blackheads and Whiteheads.
- Comes with free case.
Tech Specs
- Size: N/A
- Finish: Polished Steel
- Material: High Carbon Stainless Steel
- Colour: Natural Polished Steel
- Shipping Weight: 6.1 Ounces
Implements included in this kit.

Medium Lancet
Stubby arrow shaped curved lancet with thick sharp end. Similar to the tri-sided lancet except for its shorter length and sturdy design. Please see instructions for safety and more information.

Large Lancet
Elongated pyramid shaped extra sharp pointed lancet. The lancet is primarily used on whiteheads & pimples to slightly pierce them draining the serum. Please see instructions for safety and more information.
Large Cup Extractor
Large elongated oval and shallow cup with the center hole (1/16th inch diameter). The cup is typically laid over the area encircling the blackhead. Applying gentle pressure then pops it out. Please see instructions for safety and more information.

Small Cup Extractor
Double ended knurled grip nail pusher. Features a large hollow spoon on one end to push cuticles and a cup on the other end to clean under nails.

Large Ring
Large thin perimeter ring (3/16th inch in diameter). Rings are similar in use to the loops but are circular like the cupped ends and provide extra room. Please see instructions for safety and more information.

Small Ring
Small thin perimeter ring (1/8th inch in diameter). Rings are similar in use to the loops but are circular like the cupped ends and provide extra room. Please see instructions for safety and more information.
Flap Loop
Thin flat loop with a slight curve. Similar to the thinly rolled loop except that the loop is flat and wider. Please see instructions for safety and more information.

Thin Wire Loop
Rolled thin angular loop. Loops are typically useful for removing whiteheads. Lancets are usually required for more stubborn whiteheads. Please see instructions for safety and more information..

An acne tool (also known as a blackhead or comedone extractor), is a tool used to remove whitehead and blackhead pimples. Comedone extractors are small tools that usually resemble small rods and have loops attached to either end or contain sharp lancets; they are designed to pull out the core of the pimple without damaging your skin. Before using an acne tool (a comedone extractor), certain preparation is required to prevent further skin blemishes or infection. Simply cleanse your face with hot water, or hold a face cloth to the area for a few minutes to open up the pores. The easiest solution is to do this after a hot shower.
high quality Blackhead, Whitehead & Acne Remover Tools are designed for comfort on skin and easy handling. Safely extracts whiteheads and blackheads without scarring your complexion. Never try to pick or squeeze spots as it bruises the skin and may cause scarring To minimize damage to your skin this is an effective way to remove blackheads Simply place the loop end over the top of the blackhead and gently press. It should just pop out easily.